Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes

Watershed Hydrology

The Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Watershed covers an area of 1,964 square miles and is located in northwestern Nevada, USA. It is characterized by a relatively arid climate with low precipitation and high evaporation rates. The watershed is fed by snowpack from the surrounding mountains, which accounts for a significant portion of the surface water supply. The main surface water features in the watershed include several reservoirs, such as Pyramid Lake and Winnemucca Lake, which are important for recreation and wildlife habitat. The reservoirs also serve as important sources of water for irrigation and municipal use. Climatic trends in the region indicate that temperatures are increasing, and precipitation is becoming more variable, with more intense storms and longer dry periods. These changes are likely to have significant impacts on the water supply and ecosystems in the watershed.

Surface Flows

Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Watershed

Pyramid-Winnemucca Lakes Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed