Upper Kootenai

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Kootenai Watershed (HUC 17010101) is located in the northern Rocky Mountains and spans across approximately 2,656 square miles. The watershed is characterized by its high elevation and mountainous terrain, making it a vital source of water for both domestic and agricultural use. The hydrology of the area is influenced by snowpack, with winter snow accumulation accounting for a significant portion of the annual water supply. Surface water in the watershed is primarily sourced from the Kootenai River, which flows through a series of reservoirs, including the Libby Dam, that generate hydroelectric power. The reservoirs also serve as important recreational areas for the local community. Interesting climatic trends in the region include the warming of temperatures, decreasing snowpack levels, and an increase in winter precipitation events, which can lead to both flooding and drought.

Surface Flows

Upper Kootenai Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Kootenai Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Kootenai Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Kootenai Watershed

Upper Kootenai Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed