
Watershed Hydrology

The Lochsa watershed, also known as HUC 17060303, covers an area of approximately 2,350 square miles in western Montana and Idaho. The hydrology of the area is dominated by the Lochsa River, which flows for 70 miles through the watershed before joining the Selway River. The snowpack in the region is significant, with average snow depths ranging from 100 to 200 inches in the higher elevations. Surface water quality is generally good, with the Lochsa River meeting state water quality standards for all parameters except temperature. There are several small reservoirs in the watershed, but they do not significantly impact water quality. Interesting climatic facts include the region's high annual precipitation, which averages over 60 inches per year, and the fact that the Lochsa River is one of the few remaining free-flowing rivers in the Pacific Northwest. There are also concerns about increasing winter temperatures and their impact on the snowpack and streamflow in the area.

Surface Flows

Lochsa Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Lochsa Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Lochsa Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Lochsa Watershed

Lochsa Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed