Upper Willamette

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Willamette Watershed (HUC 17090003) is located in western Oregon and covers approximately 6,464 square miles. The area experiences a Mediterranean climate, with wet winters and dry summers. The hydrology of the region is dominated by the Willamette River and its tributaries, which provide surface water for both urban and agricultural areas. The watershed is home to several large reservoirs, including Lookout Point Reservoir and Fall Creek Reservoir, which are used for hydroelectric power generation, drinking water supply, and recreation. The region is also known for its significant snowpack, which provides crucial water resources for the area during the dry summer months. Interesting climatic facts include the fact that the region experienced record-breaking heat waves in 2021, leading to drought conditions and increased wildfire risk. There has also been a long-term trend of decreasing snowpack in the region, which could have significant implications for water resources in the future.

Surface Flows

Upper Willamette Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Willamette Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Willamette Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Willamette Watershed

Upper Willamette Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed