
Watershed Hydrology

The Umpqua Watershed (HUC 17100303) covers 4,600 square miles in Oregon and includes several rivers and their tributaries. The hydrology of the watershed is heavily influenced by snowpack, which provides water for the rivers and streams during the dry summer months. The Umpqua River is known for its excellent fishing and recreational opportunities. The watershed includes several large reservoirs, including the Umpqua Reservoir and the North Umpqua Reservoir, which are important sources of hydroelectric power and irrigation water for the region. The watershed is also home to a variety of unique flora and fauna, including several endangered species. Climate in the watershed is characterized by mild winters with heavy precipitation, and dry summers. Recent trends in the Umpqua Watershed include decreased snowpack and increased summer temperatures, which may have significant impacts on the region's hydrology and ecology.

Surface Flows

Umpqua Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Umpqua Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Umpqua Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Umpqua Watershed

Umpqua Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed