
Watershed Hydrology

The Smith Watershed (HUC 18010101) covers an area of approximately 1,200 square miles and is located in the western region of Montana. The hydrology of the watershed is dominated by the Smith River, which is a popular recreational spot for fishing and rafting. The area receives a considerable amount of snowfall, with the highest snowpack occurring in March. Surface water is abundant and supports a diverse range of aquatic life, including trout and other fish species. The Smith River is home to several reservoirs, which are used for water storage, irrigation, and energy production. The watershed experiences a continental climate with cold winters and warm summers, and rainfall is prevalent throughout the year. Recent trends indicate an increase in temperatures and a decrease in snowpack, which has implications for the hydrology and water availability in the region.

Surface Flows

Smith Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Smith Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Smith Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Smith Watershed

Smith Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed