Sacramento-Stone Corral

Watershed Hydrology

The Sacramento Stone Corral watershed covers an area of 605 square miles in northern California. The hydrology of this watershed is heavily influenced by snowpack, which is critical to the water supply for the region. The snowpack typically peaks in April before gradually melting throughout the spring and summer. Surface water in the watershed includes several streams and creeks, with the Sacramento River being the largest. The reservoirs in the watershed are important for water storage and supply for agricultural and urban needs. Interesting climatic facts include the region's Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Recent trends have shown a decrease in snowpack, leading to concerns about water availability in the future. Additionally, the region is prone to droughts, which intensify the need for effective water management strategies.

Surface Flows

Sacramento-Stone Corral Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Sacramento-Stone Corral Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Sacramento-Stone Corral Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Sacramento-Stone Corral Watershed

Sacramento-Stone Corral Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed