Upper Tule

Watershed Hydrology

The Upper Tule Watershed (HUC 18030006) covers an area of approximately 275 square miles in the southern Sierra Nevada mountain range in California. The region is characterized by a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. The watershed is fed by snowmelt and rain, and its hydrology is dominated by the Tule River, which flows into the Kaweah River. The area is known for its high snowpack, which serves as a crucial source of water for the region. The watershed also contains several reservoirs, including the Success and Lake Kaweah Reservoirs, which provide water for agricultural, municipal, and recreational purposes. Interesting climatic facts and trends include a decreasing trend in winter precipitation and an increasing trend in summer temperatures, which may have significant impacts on the region's hydrology and water resources.

Surface Flows

Upper Tule Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Upper Tule Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Upper Tule Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Upper Tule Watershed

Upper Tule Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed