
Watershed Hydrology

The Pajaro Watershed (HUC 18060002) covers an area of approximately 1,121 square miles, with diverse land use including agriculture, urbanization, and natural areas. The watershed is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, with winter precipitation and dry summers. Snowpack is minimal, and surface water is primarily sourced from rainfall and groundwater. The watershed includes several reservoirs, including the largest, San Luis Reservoir, which serves as a key water storage facility for both urban and agricultural use. The region has experienced drought conditions in recent years, leading to increased demand for water resources. Climate models predict continued warming and drying trends in the region, which may exacerbate water scarcity issues. Overall, effective management and conservation of water resources in the Pajaro Watershed will be crucial in ensuring sustainable use for both human and ecological needs.

Surface Flows

Pajaro Watershed

Snowpack Depths

Pajaro Watershed

Dams & Reservoirs

Pajaro Watershed

Groundwater Levels

Pajaro Watershed

Pajaro Rivers

Rivers of the Watershed