Red Flag Warning
Until 2024-11-07T07:00:00-08:00
National Weather Service
* Winds...Northerly winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 20 to 35 mph
expected. Strongest winds are expected across the Delta and far
western side of the Central Valley this afternoon.
* Humidity...Daytime minimum humidity 10 to 20 percent. Overnight
maximum humidity 20 to 50 percent.
* Highest Threat...West half of the Sacramento Valley and Delta
* Impacts...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity can
cause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity. Outdoor
burning is not recommended.
Red Flag Warning
Until 2024-11-07T07:00:00-08:00
National Weather Service
* Winds...Northerly winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts 20 to 35 mph
expected. Strongest winds are expected across the Delta and far
western side of the Central Valley this afternoon.
* Humidity...Daytime minimum humidity 10 to 20 percent. Overnight
maximum humidity 20 to 50 percent.
* Highest Threat...West half of the Sacramento Valley and Delta
* Impacts...The combination of gusty winds and low humidity can
cause fire to rapidly grow in size and intensity. Outdoor
burning is not recommended.