Reservoir Levels Weather Hydrology

Nacimiento Reservoir is located in Monterey County, California and was formed by the Nacimiento Dam in 1957. The reservoir has a capacity of 377,900 acre-feet and serves primarily as a water source for the Salinas Valley, which is an important agricultural region in California. The reservoir's hydrology is primarily fed by surface flow from the Nacimiento River, as well as snowpack melt from the surrounding Santa Lucia Mountains. The reservoir is also used for recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and camping. The surrounding terrain provides ample opportunities for hiking and wildlife viewing. The reservoir is managed by the Monterey County Water Resources Agency and is an important source of water for the region's agriculture and urban needs.

July 26, 2024







Storage 24hr Change -0.31%
Percent of Normal 145%
Minimum 33,473 acre-ft
Maximum 360,636 acre-ft
Average 195,972 acre-ft
Dam_Height 210
Hydraulic_Height 185
Drainage_Area 330
Year_Completed 1956
Nid_Storage 470000
River_Or_Stream Nacimiento River
Structural_Height 255
Foundations Soil
Surface_Area 5400
Dam_Length 1630
Hazard_Potential High
Primary_Dam_Type Earth
Nid_Height 255

Regional Streamflow


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second

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