Birch Beaver Creeks

Streamflow Hydrology Weather

Birch Beaver Creeks Levels

September 7 2024

Maximum discharge along the river is currently at the reporting a streamflow rate of cfs. This is also the highest stage along the Birch Beaver Creeks, with a gauge stage of ft at this location. This river is monitored from 0 different streamgauging stations along the Birch Beaver Creeks, the highest being situated at an altitude of ft, the .

About the birch beaver creeks

Streamgauge Streamflow Gauge Stage 24hr Change (%) % Normal Minimum (cfs) Maximum (cfs) Air Temp Elevation

Peak Annual Discharge

Birch Beaver Creeks Maximum Total Discharge

Seasonal Comparison

Birch Beaver Creeks Year Over Year Discharge

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