Styx River

Streamflow Hydrology Weather

Styx River Levels

September 14 2024

Maximum discharge along the river is currently at the reporting a streamflow rate of cfs. This is also the highest stage along the Styx River, with a gauge stage of ft at this location. This river is monitored from 1 different streamgauging stations along the Styx River, the highest being situated at an altitude of ft, the .

About the styx river

The Styx River is a river in the southern United States, primarily flowing through Alabama. The river is approximately 65 miles (105 km) long and primarily fed by rainwater. Several small reservoirs and dams can be found along the river, including the Upper and Lower Fish Trap dams. These dams provide hydroelectric power and irrigation for nearby agriculture. The river is also used for recreational activities such as fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. Historically, the river played an important role in the early settlement of the area and was used as a transportation route for timber and other goods. Today, the Styx River remains an important resource for the local community and a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Streamgauge Streamflow Gauge Stage 24hr Change (%) % Normal Minimum (cfs) Maximum (cfs) Air Temp Elevation
Styx River Near Elsanor
USGS 02377570
174 cfs 2.07 ft -25

Peak Annual Discharge

Styx River Maximum Total Discharge

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Styx River Year Over Year Discharge

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