Snowpack Density

Snowpack vs Snow Water Equivalent
Wet, heavy snowfall generally consists of atleast 12.5% water content or higher for every foot of snow. Lighter, drier snow might contain up to 1.0 inch of water for every foot of snow; up to 8.3% water.

Ski Area Summary

Parc Du Mont-Comi

Parc du Mont-Comi is a ski resort in Quebec renowned for its breathtaking scenery and excellent skiing experience. The ski resort is famous for its challenging trails, including the famous La Comète, a steep and thrilling trail for expert skiers. Beginners can enjoy the gentle slopes of Les Mousses, which boasts scenic views of the Saint Lawrence River. A little-known fact is that Parc du Mont-Comi was once a quarry, and the resort's trails were built over the former quarry. For après-ski, Le Rustique is worth checking out, serving up local Quebec cuisine and a wide selection of drinks. Overall, Parc du Mont-Comi offers something for skiers of all levels, making it a top destination for winter sports enthusiasts.

Terrain Overview

The Parc-du-Mont-Comi ski resort is located in the Chic-Choc mountain range in Quebec, Canada. The mountain itself, Mont Comi, has a vertical drop of 500 feet and offers a variety of terrain for skiers and snowboarders of all levels. The resort also features several different runs, including beginner-friendly slopes and more challenging black diamond runs. Additionally, the resort offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and forests, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.


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