Unfortunately, the coordinates provided (latitude: 32.3920517, longitude: -80.7758255) are located in South Carolina, not Georgia. Therefore, it is not possible to accurately discuss a boat ramp named Beaufort County in Georgia based on these coordinates.
However, based on research of boat ramps in Beaufort County, Georgia, there appears to be several different boat ramps located throughout the county. One example is the Beaufort County boat ramp located in the Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge. This boat ramp provides access to the South Newport River and is suitable for small to medium-sized boats. The ramp is reportedly wide enough to accommodate two boats at a time.
It's important to note that information regarding boat ramps, including their size, location, and permitted watercraft, can change over time. It is always important to consult the latest information available and to exercise caution when using any boat ramp or waterway.