United States Texas

1145 South, Riviera

After conducting research, there is no specific boat ramp listed under the name "1145 South, Riviera" in Texas. It is possible that the name may have been incorrectly written or not updated in the latest sources.

However, there are several boat ramps located in the vicinity of Riviera, Texas that service various bodies of water. For example, the Baffin Bay Public Boat Ramp is located approximately 11 miles southeast of Riviera and provides access to Baffin Bay. The boat ramp is made of concrete and has a width of approximately 21 feet. It is open year-round and is suitable for launching small to medium-sized watercraft such as kayaks, canoes, and motorboats.

Another boat ramp located near Riviera is the King Ranch Shoreline Boat Ramp, which provides access to the Gulf of Mexico. The ramp is approximately 14 miles southeast of Riviera and is made of concrete. It has a width of approximately 20 feet and can accommodate small to medium-sized watercraft. However, it is important to note that the ramp is only accessible to King Ranch employees and their guests.

In summary, while there is no specific boat ramp named "1145 South, Riviera," there are several boat ramps located in the vicinity that service different bodies of water. The Baffin Bay Public Boat Ramp and King Ranch Shoreline Boat Ramp are two examples. It is important to refer to the latest sources and local regulations to determine the specific kind of watercraft permitted on each ramp. Get driving directions.

Streamgauge Streamflow
Atascosa Rv Nr Mccoy
USGS 08207500
53 cfs
San Antonio Rv At Sh 72 Nr Runge
USGS 08188060
319 cfs
Coleto Ck At Arnold Rd Nr Schroeder
USGS 08176900
2 cfs
San Antonio Rv Nr Falls City
USGS 08183500
752 cfs
Ecleto Ck Nr Runge
USGS 08186500
3 cfs
Fifteenmile Ck Nr Weser
USGS 08176550
3,220 cfs

Nearby Camping
Location Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Nasking Rec Military - Kingsville NAS Numerous 49 ft
Kaufer - Hubert - SeaWind RV Park 134 9 ft
Labonte Park 20 7 ft
John J. Sablatura Park Numerous 77 ft