The boat ramp named Whatcom County is located at the latitude and longitude coordinates provided in Washington state. According to the official website of Whatcom County Parks and Recreation, this boat ramp is a concrete single-lane ramp with a dock for loading and unloading. It is approximately 12 feet wide and has a gradient of 12%. The boat ramp provides access to the North Fork of the Nooksack River, which is a popular destination for fishing, kayaking, and whitewater rafting. The website also states that only non-motorized crafts such as canoes, kayaks, and rafts are permitted on the North Fork of the Nooksack River.
In summary, the Whatcom County boat ramp is a concrete single-lane ramp with a dock for loading and unloading. It is approximately 12 feet wide and provides access to the North Fork of the Nooksack River in Washington state. Only non-motorized crafts like canoes, kayaks, and rafts are allowed on the water. This information was obtained from the official website of Whatcom County Parks and Recreation and is accurate as of the time of writing.