Reservoir Levels Weather Hydrology

Mcginty is a dam located in Modoc, California, with a height of 23 feet and a storage capacity of 639 acre-feet. Built in 1970 by the DOI BIA, this low hazard potential structure serves no specific primary purpose and is not regulated or inspected by the state. Despite its limited structural information, Mcginty remains a significant water resource in the region, providing much-needed storage for irrigation or other water-related activities.

Although Mcginty has not been updated or inspected recently, its condition assessment is listed as "Not Available" with a low hazard potential. The dam does not have an emergency action plan in place, and its risk assessment and management measures are also unspecified. Despite these uncertainties, the dam continues to play a crucial role in water management in the area, contributing to the overall water supply and ecosystem health.

While Mcginty may not be subject to state regulation or inspection, it remains an important piece of infrastructure in the region. As climate change continues to impact water resources, the role of dams like Mcginty in water storage and management will become increasingly critical. Water resource and climate enthusiasts should keep an eye on Mcginty and other similar structures to ensure their continued effectiveness in the face of changing environmental conditions.

July 26, 2024







Year_Completed 1970
Dam_Height 23
Nid_Storage 639
Hazard_Potential Low
Nid_Height 23

Regional Streamflow


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second

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