White Rock Dam, also known as Mud Lake, is a federal-owned structure located on the Bois de Sioux River in Wahpeton, Minnesota. Completed in 1941 by the US Army Corps of Engineers, this earth dam stands at 33 feet high and stretches 14,500 feet in length, with a storage capacity of 95,500 acre-feet. Its primary purpose is flood risk reduction, although it also serves other functions such as fish and wildlife pond, recreation, and water supply.
With a hazard potential rated as high, White Rock Dam is closely monitored and maintained by the US Army Corps of Engineers to manage flood risks associated with the structure. Regular inspections, emergency action plans, and coordination with local emergency managers are key components of risk management measures. Despite the dam's capacity to store water and release it as needed, severe weather events can still pose challenges, requiring ongoing vigilance and readiness to respond to any potential emergencies.