Species Weather Hydrology

Lucas Lake is a popular freshwater fishing destination in Florida. The lake is home to various fish species, including largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie. Anglers can enjoy fishing from the shore or by boat. Nearby activities include hiking, camping, and bird watching in the surrounding forests. Fishing tips include using live bait and fishing during the early morning or late afternoon. The best time to visit is in the fall or winter when temperatures are cooler, averaging around 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit.

September 8, 2024







Regional Streamflow


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second

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5-Day Weather Forecast

16-Day Weather Forecast

Nearby Camping & Amenities

Camping Area Campsites Reservations Toilets Showers Elevation
Raptor Ranch - Tyndall AFB Military Numerous 12 ft
Panama City CSS Military Numerous 6 ft
Cotton Landing 10 14 ft
Hickory Landing 20 14 ft
Wright Lake 36 23 ft
Dead Lakes State Rec Area Numerous 23 ft
Camel Lake Numerous 83 ft
St. Andrews State Park Numerous 10 ft
Grayton Beach State Park Numerous 7 ft
St. Joseph Peninsula State Park Numerous 7 ft

Explore Nearby Places

Freedom Riders National Monument

The Freedom Riders National Monument is located in Anniston, Alabama, rather than the state of Indiana. It commemorates the brave activists who challenged segregation by riding interstate buses in the early 1960s. The site includes a museum, a restored Greyhound bus, and a historical marker. Visitors can learn about the Freedom Rides and the impact they had on the Civil Rights Movement. The best time to visit is during the spring or fall when the weather is mild. Admission is free, and the site is open daily.