Absaroka Range

Mountain Summits Snowpack Levels Streamflow
July 26 2024

Absaroka Range

The Absaroka Range is a prominent mountain range in the western United States, stretching for over 150 miles through Wyoming and Montana. It is named after the Absaroka Indians who once inhabited the area. The range contains several notable peaks, including Gannett Peak, the highest point in Wyoming at 13,804 feet. Other notable peaks include Francs Peak, Avalanche Peak, and Mount Cowen. The range is also home to several significant rivers, including the Yellowstone, Wind, and Bighorn Rivers. The area is renowned for its diverse wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves, and elk. The Absaroka Range is also home to some interesting geological features, such as the Beartooth Plateau, which contains over 300 pristine lakes, and the Gardner Canyon, which is one of the deepest canyons in the US. The range has a rich history of exploration and mining, and remnants of old mining camps can still be found in the area.

Peak Elevation
Francs Peak 13153
Whitetail Peak 12548
Silver Run Peak 12000
Granite Peak 12799
Mount Rearguard 12204

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Mountain Activities

1. Hiking: The Absaroka Range offers a plethora of hiking opportunities for all skill levels. Popular hikes include the Beartooth Loop Trail, Mystic Lake Trail, and the Hellroaring Plateau Trail. These trails offer stunning views of the surrounding mountains, alpine lakes, and wildlife.

2. Fishing: The Absaroka Range is home to numerous rivers and streams that are perfect for fishing. Anglers can try their luck at catching trout in the Yellowstone River, Boulder River, or the Stillwater River. These waters are known for their abundance of fish and beautiful scenery.

3. Camping: Camping in the Absaroka Range is a great way to experience the beauty of the mountains up close. There are several campgrounds throughout the range, as well as backcountry camping opportunities for those looking for a more remote experience. Popular campgrounds include Pine Creek Campground and Lava Creek Campground.

4. Wildlife viewing: The Absaroka Range is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including grizzly bears, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep. Visitors can go on wildlife viewing tours or simply keep an eye out for animals while hiking or camping in the area. The Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park is a particularly popular spot for wildlife viewing.

5. Rock climbing: The rugged terrain of the Absaroka Range offers numerous opportunities for rock climbing enthusiasts. The area is known for its challenging climbs and breathtaking views. Popular climbing spots include the Beartooth Mountains and the Absaroka Mountains.

6. Mountain biking: Mountain biking is a popular outdoor activity in the Absaroka Range, with numerous trails for riders of all skill levels. The Big Sky Resort offers lift-accessed mountain biking trails, while the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness provides more rugged and remote biking opportunities.

Overall, the Absaroka Range offers a wide range of outdoor recreational activities for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Whether you enjoy hiking, fishing, camping, wildlife viewing, rock climbing, or mountain biking, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this stunning mountain range.

Streamflow Conditions

Snowpack Depths

Reservoir Storage Capacity

Groundwater Levels

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