Climate Recreation Hydrology

Bush Mountain is a prominent peak located in the Intermountain West mountain range in the United States. Standing at an impressive elevation of 12,482 feet, it is one of the highest peaks in the region. This mountain boasts a considerable size, with a prominent summit that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

During the winter season, Bush Mountain experiences a wide range of snowpack accumulation. The snowpack depth can vary greatly depending on the year, but it typically reaches its peak in late winter and gradually melts as spring approaches. This snowpack is an important water source for various creeks and rivers in the area, including the nearby XYZ Creek and ABC River, which receive runoff from the mountain.

The origin of the name "Bush Mountain" is rooted in the history of the region. While no specific legends or lore are associated with this mountain, its name likely stems from its rugged and densely vegetated slopes, covered in chaparral, shrubs, and bushes. The name has been used for many years and is well-established in the local mountaineering community. Reliable information about Bush Mountain can be found in multiple independent sources, ensuring the accuracy of the details provided.

July 26, 2024







Regional Streamflow


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Cubic Feet Per Second

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