The National Weather Service in North Platte has issued a Red Flag Warning for low humidity and gusty winds, which is in effect from noon CDT /11 AM MDT/ today to 7 PM CDT /6 PM MDT/ this evening. * AFFECTED AREA...Fire Weather Zone 204 Eastern Panhandle/Crescent Lake NWR, Fire Weather Zone 206 Sandhills/Valentine NWR/Nebraska National Forest, Fire Weather Zone 208 Niobrara Valley/Fort Niobrara NWR/Samuel R McKelvie National Forest and Fire Weather Zone 209 Loup Rivers Basin. * TIMING...From Noon CDT through 7PM CDT today. * WINDS...West 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 35 mph. * RELATIVE HUMIDITY...As low as 12 percent. * TEMPERATURES...Up to 86. * LIGHTNING...Not expected today. Potential for lightning across south central Nebraska this evening. * IMPACTS...Any fires that develop will spread rapidly and be difficult or impossible to control.