Climate Recreation Hydrology

China Cap is a prominent peak located in the Intermountain West mountain range. Rising to an elevation of approximately 8,000 feet (2,438 meters), it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. This mountain is known for its unique shape, resembling a traditional Chinese hat, which gave it its distinctive name.

During the winter season, China Cap experiences a variable snowpack range. The mountain receives an average snowfall of about 100 inches (254 cm) annually, providing excellent opportunities for winter sports enthusiasts. The snowpack varies throughout the winter, with peak depths typically occurring in February and March. This consistent snow coverage makes China Cap a popular destination for backcountry skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing.

China Cap contributes to the runoff of several creeks and rivers in the region. Snowmelt from the mountain feeds into nearby waterways such as the Snake River and its tributaries. These rivers provide vital water resources for the surrounding areas, supporting diverse ecosystems as well as human activities like irrigation and recreation.

While there is limited information available regarding the history and folklore surrounding China Cap, its unique name sparks curiosity and imagination. Local legends and folklore may offer intriguing tales about the origin of the name or the mountain's significance to indigenous cultures. However, without specific sources confirming these stories, it is difficult to ascertain their accuracy.

July 26, 2024







Regional Streamflow


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