Reservoir Levels Weather Hydrology

Scofield Reservoir is a man-made reservoir located in the central part of Utah. It was created in 1925 by the construction of a dam on the Price River, a tributary of the Green River. The reservoir has a capacity of 73,000 acre-feet and is used for irrigation, municipal water supply, and recreation. The hydrology of the reservoir is dependent on snowpack from the Wasatch Mountains and surface flow from the Price River. The reservoir is also fed by several small creeks and streams. Agricultural use of the water from Scofield Reservoir is limited, but it is an important source of water for the nearby towns of Scofield and Clear Creek. Recreation activities at the reservoir include boating, fishing, and camping. The reservoir is stocked with rainbow, cutthroat, and tiger trout, making it a popular destination for anglers.

September 11, 2024







Storage 24hr Change -0.29%
Percent of Normal 186%
Minimum 1,102 acre-ft
Maximum 493,536.98 acre-ft
Average 29,260 acre-ft

Regional Streamflow


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second


Cubic Feet Per Second

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Fortuna Park

There is no information found about a Fortuna Park in the state of Utah. It is possible that the name has been changed or that the park does not exist.